Wednesday, August 29, 2012

DO versus DONE

My friend Ralph Harris recently wrote...

“It is finished” didn’t mean ‘until you sin some more, and then you’ve got to re-start the heavy burden, accountability and repentant lifestyle all over again to make sure everything is cool between you and me.’ Right? It meant that after THIS, you’re going to live out of what I’ve done and given to you, because there’s nothing MORE. Okay? You’ve got it all, and it’s all really good!

I couldn't have said it any better myself (which is probably why I quoted Ralph...duh!). The longer I am a Christian - and the longer I serve as a pastor - the more obvious it becomes to me that there are essentially two competing gospels in the world. They are the gospel of "DO" and the gospel of "DONE".

The gospel of "DO" says..."Suck it up, earn your way, prove yourself, atone for your sins, you should be ashamed of yourself, can't you do anything right?, hope that God will accept you, keep striving, behave properly, try harder, keep the rules, don't rock the boat, don't ask questions, promise to do better".....well, you get the point!

The gospel of "DONE" says "It is finished - there is no barrier between yourself and a joyous, love relationship with Me. It's all a gift. The only thing you 'do' to receive it is believe it."

You ask, "Believe what?"

Jesus responds...

"Believe that when I died on the cross I intercepted the death penalty that your sin brought upon you. (Romans 5:8)

"Not only has the debt been paid, but canceled altogether. I'm not mad at you." (Romans 5:9)

"When you choose sin, I hurt for you, because I love you and have so much more to offer you than empty promises. But mad? Nope! Justice has already been served." (Romans 8:4)

"You no longer have to live with that shame hanging around your neck." (Isaiah 54:4)

"We are forever okay, you and me." (Romans 5:1)

"And that resurrection you've heard about? I did that for you too." (Romans 5:10; 6:4)

"Your need didn't stop at forgiveness. You needed LIFE as well. When you trust in me, you are agreeing that your old, sinful nature died with me and that you have now been raised to new life with a new spiritual nature!" (2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 2:20)

"You are 'in me' and I am 'in you.'" (Ephesians 1:13)

"This is permanent. This never changes. Not based on how you feel. Not based on how you perform. Never. The pressure's off. You are a brand new person inside, based upon my objective work - not your subjective feelings." (Ephesians 1:14)

"Deep down, you want exactly the things I want." (Galatians 5:17)

"Sure, you face temptations, and sometimes you take the bait." (James 3:2)

"This is why you feel so terrible when you choose sin...precisely because you are new at the core. If you weren't new, you wouldn't care as much about sin, except for how the consequences might negatively affect you. You don't always perform perfectly, but you are obedient from the heart. You struggle in your thought-life, but the attitude of your heart is now righteous, and I know the difference!" (Romans 6:17; Hebrews 4:12)

"Abide in me. That means 'rest'. And you will bear much fruit. I produce it. You bear it. Deal?" (John 15:5)

This, my friends is the gospel of DONE... Grace and peace to you!

P.S. ...and one thing Jesus might add... "This new life is best experienced in the context of transparent, Christian community. Some people call this 'church'. Even if you've been wounded by 'organized religion' or don't believe that safe communities like this exist...they do! I can lead you into one. Seek and you will find. I love you."

1 comment:

  1. That is beautiful! I lived under the religion of 'do' for so long and am wanting to really grow in my understanding of the gospel of 'done' - if it's all done by Jesus, I don't have to do it! I always used to feel I was never where I 'should be' spiritually, that I needed to strive to be better, as you talked about in the post...but He is showing me more and more that He already re-made me and I am, right now, as I 'should be'! It is such a relief!

    Thank you so much for sharing this! It is so refreshing!
