Monday, November 26, 2012

Jesus My Advocate...

As a youngster, Jesus my "advocate" was basically explained as follows:

I was in a courtroom and God my Judge was angry with me over my sin. He was ready to condemn me in his righteous anger, but Jesus my "lawyer" stood up to defend me. "No God, please don't strike him down! Remember...I died for his sins!"

I now know that this is a complete misunderstanding of Jesus as my Advocate. Satan is my accuser, not God! Jesus doesn't sit at God's right hand reminding the Father that I'm forgiven. He sits at the Father's side in harmony with Him and the Spirit, speaking together with ONE voice to the reality that The Godhead (Father, Son and Spirit) remember my sin no more!

That Jesus is my Advocate means He stands as a testament to my righteousness against Satan's accusations and lies. He is my Advocate WITH the Father, not AGAINST the Father as though God were doing the accusing! The entire Trinity is FOR me! And God is FOR you too!

Rejoice in that today!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


IT'S FINALLY HERE! You can pre-order "The Gospel Uncut" directly from Westbow Press at the following link. E-books that are readable in Kindle and other e-readers will be available soon from Westbow, Amazon and Barnes and Noble dot com! I hope you enjoy it. For those of you who are local to Vacaville, I will have some available that you can get directly from me as well if you'd like!